Крупный европейский производитель товаров для дома столкнулся с необходимостью перебазировать один из своих заводов в другой город в связи с повышением арендной платы. Аналитики рассматривали три возможных варианта размещения. Необходимо было выбрать один из них, основываясь на географическом положении клиентов компании, других её предприятий и складов.
Discover how to transform transportation planning and optimization with an advanced freight planning tool powered by anyLogistix. This case study explores how a leading North American pulp and paper company addressed the challenges of manual analysis by adopting automation. As a result, they achieved a potential 3,700% ROI and reduced their environmental impact.
Decision Lab partnered with a UK manufacturer of baked goods to perform supply chain modernization. Through developed custom features of anyLogistix, the team transformed the client's outdated Excel-based system by centralizing data and processes. As a result, they improved logistics efficiency and were better positioned to address the dynamic demands of the industry.