Примеры проектов

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Проектирование цепей поставок
Оптимизация запасов
Управление рисками
Управление закупками

Проектирование цепи поставок крупного производителя товаров для дома: перебазирование производства

Крупный европейский производитель товаров для дома столкнулся с необходимостью перебазировать один из своих заводов в другой город в связи с повышением арендной платы. Аналитики рассматривали три возможных варианта размещения. Необходимо было выбрать один из них, основываясь на географическом положении клиентов компании, других её предприятий и складов.

Danone-Waters in Mexico improved beverage supply chain efficiency and increased production capacity

Danone-Waters in Mexico partnered with VP Consulting to increase its supply chain efficiency. They used digital optimization strategies to address capacity constraints and improve operational performance. The project resulted in a 13% increase in production capacity and a 5% cost reduction, enabling the company to achieve sustainable growth and adaptability in a dynamic market.

UK supply chain modernization to improve logistics efficiency

Decision Lab partnered with a UK manufacturer of baked goods to perform supply chain modernization. Through developed custom features of anyLogistix, the team transformed the client's outdated Excel-based system by centralizing data and processes. As a result, they improved logistics efficiency and were better positioned to address the dynamic demands of the industry.

Managing food supply chain disruptions in a public distribution system

COVID-19 negatively impacted the Public Distribution System in India by restricting both human movement and the transportation of goods. The National Institute of Industrial Engineering, now the Indian Institute of Management Mumbai, was committed to overcoming these challenges and so developed a simulation that would help manage supply chain disruptions, mitigating the effects of this pandemic as well as any future ones.

Route optimization in waste management logistics

Valorix, a Canadian company specializing in waste management logistics, faced a major challenge in organic waste collection and disposal. InnovLOG, the Québec Institute for Innovation in Logistics, stepped in to streamline Valorix's routes. By using anyLogistix for route optimization in logistics, InnovLOG successfully managed to cut costs and emissions, improving Valorix's efficiency and corporate image.


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