anyLogistix 2.7 Released

Декабрь 12, 2017 Gavin Wilkinson

The new release of anyLogistix supply chain modeling and simulation software brings many new updates and additions. Here’s what we’ve added:

  • Transportation Optimization — You can specify the order of loading and unloading points and create a round trip, or ‘milk run’. The experiment produces route plans and gives the distance and cost of travel between stops. Round trips can help lower the cost of delivery by reducing empty runs and the number of vehicles needed.

Transportation Optimization

  • The icons for network objects can be given different colors. This helps to visually distinguish one object from another.

Colored icons

  • The Validation Function helps check data integrity before a model is run.

  • Supply chain objects and the links between them can now also be represented as a structure. This provides a logical network overview and helps analysis.

Structure view

  • The Expand Rows option itemizes an object group in the supply chain. Showing, for example, the individual Product Flows between a group of distribution centers and a group of customers. This enables the properties to be set differently, such as transport cost.

Expand Rows

  • Network Optimization now has a Custom Constraints table. This allows the use of mathematical expressions as constraints for product flows, warehouses and production. These can be compared using specific functions or the minimum or maximum values. A function, for example, could specify the maintenance costs of warehouses depending on their size.

Custom contraint functions

  • The Network Optimization experiment also now includes Vehicle Flows. This feature can be used to determine the number of vehicles required to transport cargo from warehouses and distribution centers, taking into account minimum and maximum loads.

  • Network objects and the connections between them can be turned off to help visualize the supply chain model. This does not affect the functioning of the model.

  • The target function of the Network Optimization experiment is now customizable, and some elements can be disabled without deleting them.

  • Product Flows in the supply chain can now be limited by distance or travel time, and also linked to transport types.

If you already have anyLogistix, it will automatically update soon with these features.

The personal learning edition (PLE) also includes many of the updates and is free for education.

For new users, we recommend the anyLogistix e-book. You can learn how to model supply chains, conduct experiments, and analyze simulation results.