
Video: anyLogistix presentation with Q&A
Video: anyLogistix presentation with Q&A

Mike Wilutis

Webinar video introducing anyLogistix supply chain software. The video covers green field analysis, network optimization, what-if modeling, transportation optimization, and includes Q&A.

Find out about the enhanced analysis and optimization you can bring to your supply chain.

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ALX in Bangalore – Report and Materials
ALX in Bangalore – Report and Materials

Gavin Wilkinson

Bangalore, India, hosted anyLogistix for a Supply Chain Design and Optimization Seminar and Training this June 19-22. Here are the videos and downloads.

The well-received event was attended by representatives from world leading companies operating in the region, including: ITC Infotech, McKinsey & Company, PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk, PwC, Tata Consultancy Services, and Wipro.

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The Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference
The Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference

Gavin Wilkinson

Gartner holds two supply chain executive conferences each year, the first of 2018 was in Phoenix, Arizona, May 14-17. The event covered the challenges faced by supply chain today and gave insight into the developing trends that are set to shape the future of the industry.

There was an emphasis on how organizations are leveraging technology to develop their supply chains – a key theme being their digitization. The implementation of real-time supply chain visibility and the use of AI for decision support were indicative of this focus on technology and also of the wider supply chain digital twin theme.

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Masters of Global Supply Chain Management and Operations
Masters of Global Supply Chain Management and Operations

Gavin Wilkinson

The Berlin School of Economics is making use of anyLogisitix in a course for learning the skills you need to get and stay ahead in supply chain.

Read on, find out more, and discover studies on reverse supply chains, supply chain restructuring, and more…

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anyLogistix 2.8 released
anyLogistix 2.8 released

Gavin Wilkinson

The new version of anyLogistix introduces a range of new features and enhancements to the supply chain design and optimization software. Read on and discover the new experiments, statistics, and usability developments!

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Singapore Supply Chain - THINK Executive Events
Singapore Supply Chain - THINK Executive Events

Sergey Suslov

Summary, materials and photos from the excellent Optimizing Supply Chain Network Performance summit in Singapore, March 2nd, 2018. Part of the THINK Series by the The Logistics Institute Asia Pacific. Highlights include Industry 4.0 insights. Read on for more...

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Transforming supply chain in Indonesia - Tech Seminar
Transforming supply chain in Indonesia - Tech Seminar

Timofey Popkov

The Indonesian government is looking to modernize the nation's supply chains with new technologies that go beyond traditional optimization techniques.

Read on for the papers and our summary of the Seminar on Optimizing Supply Chain Network Performance in Jakarta...

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Technology for the Optimized Supply Chain - Bangkok Seminar
Technology for the Optimized Supply Chain - Bangkok Seminar

Gavin Wilkinson

Interesting and insightful, the Supply Chain Network Performance seminar, Bangkok, March 5th, 2018 was a great success. Topics included the Thailand 4.0 long term investment initiative and technology for supply chain design and optimization. Read the summary!

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Deloitte delivers optimal nationwide logistics
Deloitte delivers optimal nationwide logistics

Gavin Wilkinson

Using anyLogistix supply chain software, Deloitte CIS delivered supply chain success for a major Russian telecoms provider. How?

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How to design and optimize a better supply chain
How to design and optimize a better supply chain

Sergey Suslov

Join us as we bring together supply chain expertise and innovation in Asia this Febraury and March.

Learn how organizations tackle challenges across the supply chain industry, including presentations from Asia’s top-ranked, University of Singapore, and Deloitte.

Reserve your place in Jakarta, Singapore, or Bangkok, save your seat here...

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